LOLA PERRIN: Composer, pianist, collaborator, Composer in Residence at Markson Pianos, has published eight piano suites and has two CDs on general release. Collaborates in performance with various artists including Hanif Kureishi, Sue Hubbard, Mihir Bose. Has been interviewed by Quentin Cooper, and about her climate change compositions on BBC’s The Paul Hudson Weather Show. Lola has initiated ClimateKeys in which scores of pianists will be performing with guest speakers to engage audiences in talking about climate change across the world.
DR STUART CAPSTICK - bio forthcoming
DR ADAM CORNER: Research Director at Climate Outreach, one of Europe's leading centres of expertise on public engagement with climate change. He also holds an Honorary Research Fellow position at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University. As well as publishing in academic journals, Adam writes regularly for international media, including The Guardian and New Scientist magazine. He is the author of the book Talking Climate: From Research to Practice in Public Engagement, published in November 2016 through Palgrave MacMillan, and manages the Climate Visuals programme for Climate Outreach, a new flagship project that aims to catalyse a new visual language for climate change through powerful new climate imagery.